
Lawn aeration is a crucial service that we offer. A common misconception is that “power raking” and aeration are the same thing, this is not true. Power raking is done when a lawns thatch becomes too dense and hinders moisture and fertilization uptake. It doesn’t need to be done annually and if done so it can actually hurt the lawn because some thatch is a good thing.

Where we live I believe aeration needs to be done annually. The soil that we have here in Eastern Idaho compacts very fast, when it does that you run into a couple problems that can turn into large scale issues if not addressed. By aerating it mechanically breaks up the dense thatch layer and puts holes into the ground and allows the surrounding soil to loosen up and “airify.” It helps tremendously with water retention, fertilizer uptake, soil compaction, root compaction, and many other things. The aerator we have can pull up to 5” plugs and is substantially better than the traditional walk/pull behind aerators.

I hope this shed some light on lawn aeration, contact me if you have any other questions, and thanks for reading!

Hollis Lloyd

Evergreen Lawn and Tree LLC


Watering your lawn and landscape.


Chlorosis in plants