Whatever your needs may be, we have you covered.
Tree and Shrub Services
These are very specialized services that we offer. This covers a wide variety of applications whether it is pest/insect control, fungal issues, and even severe nutrient deficiencies. It is an extremely eco-friendly and safe approach to applying these chemicals. There is almost zero possibility for off-target contamination and for that reason, a lot of customers choose this option not to mention its extended life on coverage.
Dormant/horticultural oil and insecticide to target, hard-bodied scale, overwintering insects, and any other insects that may be out and active.
This application is done within 14 days of the blossoms falling off of your fruit trees to prevent any worms from getting into your fruit that is worth more than gold!
Insecticide application targets a very wide variety of insects that are active or will be active soon on all of your trees and shrubs.
Insecticide application targets a very wide variety of insects that are active or will be active soon on all of your trees and shrubs.
Dormant/horticultural oil and insecticide to get any remaining active, hard-bodied scale and other insects that will be overwintering on your trees and shrubs.
Proprietary fertilizer blend that contains a variety of materials that we have worked on perfecting for over 20 years. It gives trees, shrubs, and any perennials a superb dose of nutrients they need to stay healthy, promote growth, and encourage overall health/appearance.
This application can be made for a variety of different plants to control the amount of growth you see.